Wednesday, February 06, 2008

McCain and Huckster: Colluding On WV, Possible Running Mates

From Real Clear Politics:
Amid rumors of a deal between backers of Huckabee and McCain, Huckabee secured 52% of the delegates in the second round, to Romney's 47%. McCain's goal in throwing support to Huckabee is designed to deprive Romney of a win early in the day. Huckabee will win all 18 of the state's pledged delegates. Nine of the state's remaining 12 delegates will be awarded during a May 13 primary.

Word is that McCain told his delegates to go for Huck, so Romney couldn't win. Now, that is good, honest fair play, isn't it? And, given Huckabee's ongoing lovefest with McCain, it looks like we are going to be stuck with a McCain/Huckster ticket, which disgusts me and would signal less free speech, more government intrustion, and questionable ethics.