Thursday, February 07, 2008

Please Shut Up, Mr. Senator. Please!

Guess who is back in the news trashing something that the President is proposing? Before we get to that, maybe I should give you the quote from the Cleveland Plain Dealer:
"This budget only looks fiscally responsible because it ignores hundreds of billions of dollars in costs that the administration itself supports," he said.
If you guess the Deficit Hawk known as the Crying Man, Our Senator RINOvich, you'd be right! And how many billions of dollars in earmarks has the Deficit Hawk put up this year? I lost track, but he sure is proud of bringing home all that bacon!

If you are searching for a word that describes the situation Senator, try "hypocrisy." That's the word I'm using to describe your antics...

UPDATE: There is an alternative, Senator... We have a choice in 2010...

UPDATE 2: I'm beginning to wonder if maybe Bill Sloat is doing this stuff on purpose... Now he reports that The Crying Man, the Deficit Hawk, and Our Senator RINOvich has YET ANOTHER NICKNAME for himself.

Wait for it...

"The Champion of Manufacturing"

You just can't make this stuff up, people...