Monday, February 11, 2008

WMD Blast: Magnificent Monday Edition

Here are a few items that I wanted to pass on, but don't have time to develop in to full fledged posts:

  • The Ohio Right to Life PAC has endorsed Jean Schmidt for the Second Congressional District.

  • I am VERY close to having a side by side contrasting of issues, and an evaluation of the GOP primary, in OH-16.

  • The latest "Why Support Jeanette?" from the e-newsltter:
    This week Republicans in Congress attempted to put a stop to earmarks. Those efforts were rebuked by the same democrats who said they wanted to "clean up government" and "change Washington" in 2006. Zack Space was among those voting against the measure that would have created a commission to set rules for earmarks while stopping them entirely until those rules could be implemented.

    Space ran to change Washington, but today he's running away from changing Washington. Once again voting in lock-step with San Francisco liberal Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Space reminds us that his campaign was all talk and no reform.

    Earmark reform needs to happen now. Jeanette Moll enthusiastically supports fellow Ohioan Republican Leader John Boehner in the fight to stop earmarks cold. No more secretive funding for bridges to nowhere, Woodstock concert museums and cowgirl museums (yes, those are all real recipients of our hard earned tax dollars).

    Projects should be debated and those found worthy should receive consideration by Congress, but that's just it - they should be debated openly and with names of sponsors attached. Zack Space doesn't understand that Ohioans don't want back room secret line items or anonymous slush funds for pet projects.

    Jeanette Moll's position is clear on earmarks - she wants them stopped now. With a war on terror to fund and an economic stimulus package being debated, we must make sure our domestic spending isn't subject to millions of dollars in secret pork spending.
    And in other OH-18 news, Paul Phillips scored the endorsement of State Senator John Carey:
    On Friday, February 1, 2008, State Senator John Carey announced his support for Paul Phillips, a Republican candidate for US Congress in Ohio's 18th District.

    Senator Carey stated, "I'm proud to endorse Paul Phillips to represent us in Ohio's 18th US Congressional District. A native to our area, Paul has a true understanding of what we value and a proven track record of successful leadership. A former Air Force pilot and veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Paul came home to practice law and raise his family. He is strongly focused on increasing our employment opportunities and will fight to bring new jobs to our area. He is also a strong advocate for lowering taxes on families and small business, stopping illegal immigration, affordable health care, and strong national security. I will be voting for Paul Phillips and encourage you to do the same."