Tuesday, February 12, 2008

WMD Blast: Wholly Scrubbed Story, Batman! Edition

With the White Death upon us, a number of my work colleagues are out today and I am picking up some slack; therefore, posting is likely to light...

BUT, I want to make sure that everybody gets to see that there has been some chicanery going on at the Pulse-Journal with the story about Butler County Commissioner Chuck Furmon and the lunatic ravings of County Auditor Kay Rogers.

Be sure to check out the updates to the original post here.

UPDATE: I can only assume that since Rawnica hasn't condemned the story, the way the story was presented, or Kay Rogers' granstanding politicization of it, that this is the way that Rawnica Dillingham chooses to win this seat: using cheap smear tactics in her continuing scorched Earth campaign to destroy the Butler County Republican Party. Might she succeed where Butler Democrats have failed for so long? And would that really make her a "real" Republican?

Real Republicans don't act like this. Real Republicans remember that Reagan's Eleventh Commandment was "Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican." If Rawnica wants to try to win on ideas, she ought to stick to that instead of condoning this trash. If Commissioner Furmon refuses to debate Rawnica; instead of pouting about it, she ought to publish her ideas anyway. That is, of course, assuming that Rawnica actually has ideas...

UPDATE 2: The press release that started it all...

In Other News...

  • Lori Viars is an idiot...but you all knew that, right?