Friday, March 14, 2008

Another Look at Vic Wulsin, Campaign Genius

An emailer sent in a couple of links worth reproducing here for further discussion and dispersal...

The first is a comment over at a Politics Extra (Cincinnati Enquirer) post about Wulsin's absense from the first two slates of the "Red to Blue" Program that we covered here.
Dr. Wulsin's BFF and fundraiser Howie Klein, may not have helped her relationship with DCCC after his recent Firedoglake article, Blue America Welcomes Back Last Night’s Big Victor In Ohio, Our Old Friend Dr. Vic Wulsin By: Howie Klein Wednesday March 5, 2008 12:00 pm which includes:
Last night Vic overcame a tough situation. I have never seen a filthier campaign run in a Democratic primary as the one Stephen Black threw up against Vic. That might be because Stephen Black isn't a Democrat at all, but a lifelong Republican. His campaign was run by Rahm Emanuel lapdog John Lapp, who was Emanuel's DCCC Executive Director in 2005-06.
Look for Howie Klein's upcoming book, "How to Lose Friends and Mess Up Your Candidate's Realtionships."
Now, that really fired up the Dean over at the Beacon because he fired off a few questions to Wulsin after reading this piece by Klein over at another liberal hive of scum and villany known as DownWithTyranny in which Klein says:
Way at the bottom of the barrel of congressional rankings, you find the worst of the worst, the extremists and fanatic who have crossed over into dangerous territory and are flat out anti-American. Iowa has one of those, Congressman Steve King. He is in the rarefied company of deranged kooks like Mean Jean Schmidt (R-OH), Tim Walberg (R-MI), Patrick McHenry (R-NC), Lynn Westmoreland (R-GA), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), and Dan Burton (R-IN). These are the zeroes, members who believe completely in their own distorted, super-ideological vision of a fascist America. When it comes to the tough substantive votes, not one has ever strayed from the insane to join their colleagues to try to make America function better.
The questions Dean posed?
1) Do you agree with any of the following statements? That Rep. Schmidt is among “the worst of the worst,” an “extremist and fanatic” who is “flat out anti-American,” a “deranged kook,” and a “zero...who believe(s) completely in (her) own distorted, super-ideological vision of a fascist America”?

2) Do you intend to publicly denounce Mr. Klein’s statements about Rep. Schmidt? If so, when may I expect to receive your statement?

3) Do you and your campaign intend to continue working with Mr. Klein? If so, please explain your reasons.
Silence from Team Wulsin...

We're going to hear all kinds of crazy things in this race... I am pretty sure we'll hear from the usual suspects that Karl Rove and those meanie Republicans are engaging in "negative campaigning" all the while condoning this bile with their silence.

There are few honorable liberals in the Ohiosphere...let's see if any step up to the plate. We know Wulsin won't...