Thursday, March 06, 2008

The Final Moves of Classy Kay Rogers

Current Status of Kay Rogers' Political Career:

Previously on WMD, we reported on the last person that Kay Rogers fired in "You Stay Classy Kay Rogers"; now we have a piece by Cox Newspapers intrepid reporter Josh Sweigert that questions Kay Rogers' last hiring:
Tilton is asking the county to look into a last-minute hiring by Rogers. On Monday, March 3, she hired David Bunn in the office's Liberty-Fairfield Road field office.

Auditor's office officials say Bunn is the brother-in-law of Rogers' former attorney, David Davidson. Rogers hired Bunn personally for an unadvertised data collection position making $32,000 a year, they said.

Tilton said Rogers called several department directors asking if they had an open position for Bunn.

"It's odd how the events happened," he said.

The same day she hired Bunn, Rogers fired Chief Deputy Auditor Randall Groves. Groves said he wasn't given a reason for the termination, but already has a job lined up to become finance director of the city of Fairborn.
Is anybody surprised by this brazen attempt at nepotism?

How sick and twisted do you have to be to think that you would get away with something like that?

And let's not forget how much Kay Rogers and Rawnica Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham has in common with this woman. Butler County dodged a heavy bullet on Tuesday, that is for sure...

HT: Modern Esquire

UPDATE: A reader emailed in to say that Rogers' former attorney, David Davidson, the brother-in-law of the Last Hire, is also the attorney representing Rawnica in the Wal-Mart/Walgreen (there is some confusion as to which chain is being sued by Mrs. Dillingham-Wilson-Dillingham-Ruscigno-Dillingham) campaign truck lawsuit.

UPDATE 2: Clarifying points from above update...
Yes, you are right it is Walmart. Their attorney Jill Keck (Jusick) works in Davidson's office

Butler County Common Pleas Court case number CV 2008 01 0049 under Rawnica Ruscigno
Judges Andy Nastoff and Pat Oney have recused themselves - now it is assigned to Judge Pater.

The State tax lien case has been assigned to visiting Judge from Montgomery Co., when Judge Sage recused.
Interesting how all of the judges have to recuse themselves...