Thursday, March 13, 2008

RINOvich Just Voted to Raise Your Taxes

...and if he thought Ham Sandwich wouldn't notice, he's crazy.

That's right, sports fans, The Crying Man, our Senator RINOvich, a.k.a. The Deficit Hawk just joined forces with Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton to raise YOUR taxes.

Folks, I give you The Politico:
With Democrats united — alongside Sens. Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York — the measure failed 52-47, as two Republicans, Sens. Olympia Snowe of Maine and Ohio's George Voinovich, broke with their party on the tax issue.

Graham zeroed in on the voters in the 25 percent bracket and higher.

“The current law is 25 percent, and if we don’t pass my amendment the tax will go up to 28 percent in 2011, a 10 percent increase,” he said. “Thirty five percent becomes 39.6 percent. That’s 23 million Americans [who] are going to pay higher taxes.”
As if we didn't have enough to worry about with the Democrats trying their best to raise our taxes, now we have to worry about RINOvich too.

Hey RINOvich? WHAT ABOUT THE CHILDREN??? It's almost enough to make a grown man cry...

UPDATE: I dunno...maybe he was confused like when he was on the Hannity Show talking about the Fairness Doctrine...