Here's your open thread...
BLOGS: King's Right Site: "RINOvich Wins Again" Cincinnati Beacon: "Vic Did Nothing Improper, Vic Says" -- OH-02 fans, be sure to read this one! BizzyBlog: "Cuyahoga County’s Alternative Universe: ‘Fun’ vs. ‘Malice’" -- basically if Democrats are getting screwed, it's called 'Malice' but if it is Republicans getting screwed, they call it 'Fun' -- And somebody really ought to check Plunderbund's archives for the words "loyalty oath" because I suspect there is another whole treasure trove for exploitation...AP NEWS ALERTS: SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) The Associated Press has learned that New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson is endorsing Senator Barack Obama for president. WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has apologized to Barack Obama for an incident in which State Department contractors unneccessarily reviewed his passport file.ATLANTA (AP) A federal appeals court has dismissed a lawsuit against the Democratic National Committee over the party's decision to strip Florida of its delegates to the party's national convention. WASHINGTON (AP) Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice tells Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton her passport file was breached in 2007. WASHINGTON (AP) State Department says all three candidates' passport files have been breached. PARIS (AP) Republican Sen. John McCain says any breach of passport privacy deserves an apology and a "full investigation." PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) Barack Obama says he wants a congressional inquiry into State Department snooping into candidates' passport files. [MATT: Of course he does...]OTHER STUFF: An op-ed from Republican Leader, my Congressman, and a Great American -- John Boehner: "American taxpayers beware" in the Washington Times The latest column from Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- has been posted over at the Butler County Bugle: "Ask Boehner: Intelligence Assets, Rebate Checks"
Re: the passport breaches in the AP News Alert section... I think it is interesting how this story trickled out. The AP didn't even name John Sidney McCain...by that point the story had become about those evil Republicans in the State Department. Pardon me while I laugh at that thought... Okay, I'm better now... Seriously, if this isn't a case study in why government shouldn't be allowed to have our information in the first place, I don't know what will do it...Re: WorldNutDaily... These clowns ripped off BizzyBlog and Debbie Schlussel caught them in the act of claiming Tom's work as an "exclusive"... Get Tom's side of the story, as part of an aside, here (paragraph following the first blockquote).