Friday, March 21, 2008

If You Work For McCain, You Are Not Allowed to Have Thoughts of Your Own

Updating a story from yesterday's Blast where we discovered that eCampaign guy Soren Dayton was suspended by Team McCain for releasing a link to a YouTube video criticizing Obama for the Rev. Wright flap... Apparently, Dayton used his own account and not one of the campaign's resources. Let me repeat that: apparently, Dayton used his own account and not one of the campaign's resources.

What we have learned here is that if you work for John Sidney McCain, you are not allowed to think for yourself. You must tow the Maverick line or be punished. Let me be clear, had this been done with campaign resources, I'd have no problem with Maverick exacting his jihad on's his campaign to lose...but punishing Dayton for expressing his views on his own account? Not cool.

Some may ask about John Edwards' potty-mouthed bloggeresses...but they were plying their trade on Edwards campaign resources. That is what got them in to trouble initially...the rest of their stuff came out later. Dayton is not a foul-mouthed bomb-thrower...

Rev. Wright is...

...and that is the whole point.

Go ahead, Maverick, repudiate me...but I will never work for you. And if the rest of the blogging community is smart, they won't either.

When we said that we needed to unify the party, this isn't what we had in mind, Maverick...

UPDATE: NRO's David Freddoso has more...