Monday, April 28, 2008

Intrepid Reporter Josh Sweigart Fouls Off a Pitch

Previously on WMD, I wrote a piece that illustrated that Josh engaged in a partisan hit piece that lacked perspective or balance. He totally wiffed that pitch. Yesterday, Josh penned a piece in which he actually made contact, but he fouled that pitch off.

The gist of the piece is an expose of an exhaustive listing of Republican office holders in Butler County and who their offices have hired. It is a pretty extensive listing and aside from Carole Mosketti's hiring of her granddaughter, NONE of the hires mentioned in Josh's piece are illegal.

There are two reasons why I classify the piece as a foul ball. The first is that there is no mention whatsoever of the Democrat judge mentioned in my last post. By continuing to ignore that issue, Josh paints himself and his paper as in the bag for Democrats. The judge is as "guilty" of these "crimes" as the Republicans mentioned in Josh's piece. And, oh yeah, this Democrat is in Butler County...

The second reason stems from the fact that no laws have been broken. I am at a loss to see how this is news. Is it a crime to get people whom you know to be qualified and available? That seems to be what Josh is indicating here:
Nix's first hire: Carole McCollum, who started April 21 as a clerk making $35,000 a year. The position was not advertised.

"This person contacted me, she was interested in working for me because she worked for me prior (at US Bank), so based on my knowledge of her 30 years experience in banking and her work ethic...I knew she would be a great employee for the treasurer's office," Nix said.

"In situations in the future I would imagine I would go out and publicly advertise for the position, but in this situation, knowing her skills and qualifications...I wanted to snatch her up," she said.
Is Nancy now required to call up Josh Sweigart and clear it with him who she want to hire? Is that really where we are?

Generally speaking, I think it is wise to have these positions advertised and proper interviews conducted; but it is not a crime for Nancy Nix -- or any other office holder for that matter -- to hire people whom they know are qualified and available.

I love how Josh brings Kay Rogers in to this story. Kay Rogers is quickly becoming the local rag's Tom Noe. We'll be seeing Kay Rogers' name in stories that have nothing to do with Kay Rogers or the Auditor's office for a long time. Why? Because this is Josh's way of smearing the good names of decent law-abiding Republican office holders on whom he has NO DIRT to dish.

Let's go to the Sheltons...
Most recently, the Board of Elections voted — Shelton seconded the vote — to hire Linette Shelton on Nov. 6. Linette Shelton, Judy Shelton's son's ex wife, started as a clerk making $25,000 a year.

Before the hire, Board of Elections Director Betty McGary consulted Ohio Secretary of State Assistant General Counsel Brian Shinn via e-mail.

"We have a Board Member (Shelton) who is requesting that the Board consider hiring their ex daughter in law in a full time vacant position in the Butler County Board of Elections office," McGary wrote.

"The hiring of this individual would not violate Ohio ethics law," Shinn replied.

Judy Shelton points out that the hire was unanimously approved by both Democrats and Republicans on the board.
Where is the story here? Oh my God! Republicans hire Republicans. And, color me shocked and appalled: the Democrats signed off on the hire...Jenny Brunner's office know, the MOST PARTISAN Secretary of State's office in Ohio history...

Once again, Josh, you are better than this... Our community deserves better than this...