Saturday, May 10, 2008


Click on the banner in the right sidebar that says TIB and you are listening....
We are on the air, in every state in the Union, whether you believe there are 50 or whether you are a clueless self serving elitist like Barack Barry Obama who said that there are 57.

Check it out...A flag pin Barry can has his country's flag...with all 57 stars....

7:14 pm update: We are NOT on the air...YET. We are experiencing technical difficulties as the studio is in flux and being redone....yeehah....please stay tuned as we work on it and get on the air ASAP.

7:20 pm update: We are FINALLY ON THE AIR...

Discussion of Impeachment DANNce....and how the Dems are playing damage control....and who might replace Dann....

Back to Barry Obama....not only is he a historical and geographical buffoon, but he also hates Israel and doesn't want you to know one of his now ex-advisers was in contact frequently with Hamas....

Oh, and Barry Obama never said he would meet with Iran unconditionally....but the NT Times has proof he did!!!! OUCH! And the video evidence from the lunacy of the youtube debate.
AND....IT IS ON OBAMA'S WEBSITE RIGHT NOW...Hmm, Ms. Susan Rice, what is the real truth?

More on Hamas Loving on Obama and Obama's people loving back.....
Chicago Sun-Times

Matt, Tom,and I discuss the Need for a New Contract with America, without the gimmickism...and Matt takes his usual shots at Newt Gingrich....

Time Magazine wants to Invade stop a military dictatorship hurting its own citizens....and the UN is shocked that a government would hoard supplies....(I guess they slept through Bosnia, Sudan, et. al.)

Tom Talks about the Economy, the ignorance of business reporters, how Alan Greenspan needs to shut the hell up...and Matt talks about shaking his 8 ball....check out Bizzyblog for the factual stuff....but don't try searching for Matt shaking the 8 ain't pretty...

I am dedicating this show to my Mom, D, her mom, Miss Ellie (RIP), and my grandmother MD who is recuperating from heart surgery at Good Sam....Miss Ellie and MD were my political was with Miss Ellie at the age of 4 I became a Reaganite....and MD introduced me to the all-seeing, all-knowing Maha Rushie.....This one's for the girls! Happy Mothers Day!