This map I put together has its flaws, which we can debate in the comments, but I think it illustrates fairly well what I think the reality of Ohio as a Purple State.
Red = Counties won by Bush04 and Blackwell06
Purple = Counties won by Bush04 and Strickland06 OR Kerry04 and Blackwell06
Blue = Counties won by Kerry04 and Strickland06
6/4/08 UPDATE: There was interest among the NextRight readers of the piece based on this one for a map of the Clinton/Obama primary. Here it is...
[Note to self: RE-PLACE THE CLINTON/OBAMA MAP - In the meantime, Obama won five counties, none of which were Purple, in fact, they are the BROWN and CYAN counties in the next map.]
Blue counties were won by Obama in the Dem Primary
So the end result is this:
Red = Counties won by Bush04 and Blackwell06
Purple = Counties won by Bush04 and Strickland06 OR Kerry04 and Blackwell06
Blue = Counties won by Kerry04 and Strickland06
Brown = Red Counties that voted for Obama in Dem Primary of '08
Cyan = Blue Counties that voted for Obama in Dem Primary of '08
6/4/08 UPDATE 2: By request I have added in the keys for the two new maps. I have been informed that I mis-identified Lake County's voting record. I'll verify that and make appropriate changes as soon as I get a chance to do so.
6/5/08 UPDATE 1: Lake County has been fixed (was inaccurately BLUE; now is PURPLE). I am not sure I can fix the graphic on NextRight as Photobucket is being really difficult to work with to replace the image.