Thursday, May 15, 2008

Local Government Reform

I have mixed feelings on this one...

Apparently, some Democrat in Cuyahoga county has hatched a plan that would consolidate the local positions of auditor, treasurer, and recorder into a single job of assessor. The plan has recently picked up the support of Speaker Husted, who plans to introduce a bill that would do just that.

Mark this day down on your calendars kids because today is the day that I agree with Jeff "Dann's the Man" Coryell...this is not as good an idea as you might think.

From a checks-and-balances point of view, I really don't like this consolidation. Granted, I'm all for eliminating government jobs, and why not start nearer to the top than what we're seeing in Butler County. Unless county commissioners become MUCH more involved in the details of how the counties are being run than they are right now, I just do not like the lack of oversight.

Although, I must admit that the idea does have a certain appeal...

The other thing I don't like is that the proposal also would make the positions of sheriff, coroner, engineer, and clerk of courts appointed rather than elected. This opens the door to a whole new level of shenanigans that I really don't think local governments (let alone the residents) need or want.

I would be much more inclined to support the bill if in addition to these provisions, a very strong anti-nepotism clause was added.

Those are my early thoughts on the subject, what say you?