Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rev. Strickland Needs to Read Bible...see Tower of Babel

Governor Strickland and the Ohio Democrats, like all liberals are mascotmakers and panderers. As such, they are against simplifying things and making English the official language of government for the state of Ohio. Strickland has promised to veto any such legislation if it crosses his desk. From the Col. Dispatch:
In other business, by a 54-42 vote the House approved a bill that would make English the official state language, despite objections from Democrats who called it divisive and unnecessary.

“No serious person is suggesting we become an English-only state,” said Rep. Robert Mecklenborg, R-Cincinnati, who sponsored the bill. “But we decidedly do not want to become an English-optional state.”

The bill, which now goes to the Senate, would require use of the English language in the official records and actions of state and local governments.

Gov. Ted Strickland will veto the measure if it reaches him, spokesman Keith Dailey said. The Ohio Latino Affairs Commission also has expressed opposition.

I would suggest the former Methodist pastor reacquaint himself with his Bible, see Genesis. Look for the story of the tower of Babel. When you have no central language for doing business, chaos ensues. Granted, while what God did it for was correct, we don't need such chaos in our government. And, instead of accomodating all this supposed "diversity", shouldn't we try to help people get to know the language of their new land. Funny, that is how all the successful generations of immigrants worked.

But wait, what am I thinking? The Ohio Democrats and Ted Strickland want to create a permanent immigrant underclass, just as Democrats have done to inner city blacks, all in the name of supposedly preserving culture.....silly me...It is all about getting voting blocs, not doing what is right....