Monday, May 05, 2008

Silliness From Lefties on Dann previously stated, I think the Ohio GOP ought to let the Ohio Dems off themselves on this whole Dann affair, but this nonsense from Jill regarding Kevin DeWine's comments is just whack!

Which just goes to show how mental the lefties in the Ohiosphere have become over this whole thing.

My advice to the lefties is to let Kevin DeWine dig his own holes too...

We can check in with the SOS office, but I'm pretty sure that the "politics as usual" mindset that has gripped Columbus is not affiliated with either party.

But the most irritating thing about the piece is that Jill excoriates DeWine while having nary a word to say on the silence of Chris Redfern. And that speaks volumes to me, man...

UPDATE 1: More silliness -- this time from Modern Esquire, who also can't manage to find a few pixels for Chris Redfern (Has ANYONE seen Chris Redfern???). Speaking from experience here, the hardest part about blogging on a scandal in your own party is avoiding the distraction of getting sidetracked to non-relevant issues. Who cares what Kevin DeWine thinks? If Ohio Democrats were smart, they'd thank Kevin DeWine for leaking their strategy and then counter it by taking aggressive action towards removing Dann. That is exactly what the Ohio GOP failed to do with Bob Taft and Bob Ney. Leave it the Ohio Dems to learn from the Ohio GOP's mistakes...