Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Guest Blog from Dave Cuddy: "Republican Choice in Alaska for US Senate"

This just in...
The Democrats ran our country for 40 years. They gave us many budget deficits, started stealing from Social Security and Medicare, and brought us corrupted officials. In 1994 Republicans promised reform and limited government. We promised the voters we’d balance the budget, and fix Social Security and Medicare. The lobbyists and special interests simply walked across the aisle and bought Republicans where they used to buy Democrats. The national debt is much worse under Republican leadership. The power and control by the federal government is much worse. More money has been embezzled from the Social Security and Medicare trust funds. In 2006, the voters began to throw the Republicans out of office…as they should. Immediately after the 2006 election, our Republican leaders said they’d learned their lesson. They would return to the basics of limited government, reform, and personal responsibility.

Based partly on this assurance and partly on the premise that if we don’t begin to fix our broken government, we will become a third rate power, I announced my run for the US Senate against a Republican who is everything the Republican Party says it will change. I am the “clean government candidate.” My background, a Duke Economics degree, Gonzaga MBA, a term in the Alaska State Legislature, twenty years as a commercial banker, and much public non-profit service, positions me perfectly as the profile of candidate the Republican Party says it is looking for….yet….it just can’t drop it’s big spending Senator. The other Republican members of “The Club” still support their incumbents. Incumbency is a very powerful factor, and it may destine the Republican Party for many decades in the wilderness.
Alaskans have a real choice in the primary...

By the way, a new Rasmussen poll shows Stevens down 9 points in a head-to-head against the Democrat.

And here is some video of Dave Cuddy...

Part 2: