Monday, August 25, 2008

RELEASE: Obama-Biden-Space: Eliminating Gun Rights One "Mentally Imbalanced," "Bitter," "Cling[ing]" Voter at a Time

This just in...
Mount Vernon, Ohio – This weekend, Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) invited Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) to join him as the Democratic vice presidential candidate. Both men have much in common, including a deep-seated hatred of the 2nd Amendment.

Who can forget Obama's memorable words about areas like the 18th Congressional District during a San Francisco fundraiser in April:

"It's not surprising, then, they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations."

Biden actually did him one better during a debate at The Citadel Military College in South Carolina while pandering to liberals to win the Democratic primary. When asked by a voter to explain his position on the 2nd Amendment, Biden told the liberal audience this:

"I'm the guy who originally wrote the assault weapons ban that became law. … Look, we should be working with law enforcement right now to make sure we protect people against people who don't … who are not capable of knowing what to do with a gun because they're either mentally imbalanced and/or because they have a criminal record."

Obama believes that gun owners and those who support the 2nd Amendment are "bitter." Biden wrote the 1994 assault weapons ban and views gun owners as "mentally imbalanced."

And what does Rep. Zack Space (D-Dover) think of this?

"I make no bones about it: I support Obama. I am fully supportive of him."