Monday, August 25, 2008

What will the Hillary Fanatics Do?

In times of old, the battle lines were clearly drawn and you knew who your enemy was. This week the party of the donkey will be holding their brag session in Denver waxing eloquent about the 'desperate' change that is needed and how four years of McCain equals a third Bush term. Heaven forbid!

Of course, there is a schism in the ranks of the democrats and it seems that some of them really want to knuckle up and protect Hillary who they feel got tazed in the primary process.

Of course, looking back on it, it is easy to see that Hillary made tactical errors early on by believing all the hype about how she had it in the bag while Alfred E. Obama went about his business and basically stole the crown from her. There are a lot of lessons in all of that.

So, the day of reckoning has arrived. What will transpire? Will their be a roll call? Will we see a big love fest at the end? Stay tuned!