Saturday, August 23, 2008

We're Baa--aack! The TIB All Stars are On the Air...

Oh you didn't know? You better call somebody....Because the Terrible Trio are back...Matt H., myself (the Whole D@mn Show), and Tom Blumer (of back for more fun, more controversy, and more zany conversation....

Up for discussion tonight:

VPstakes 08: Halfway Home

Well, we know Biden is the guy for Obama. We examine plusses and minuses and other stories.
Wikiscrubbing? Surely you jest...Nope, Blumer has it covered.

The numbers on Biden, per Rasmussen.

Biden is change we can believe in???

The Washington Post has a case against Joe Biden....

Ron Fournier says Biden pick shows lack of confidence....

Biden will have trouble with those bitter clingers....

And Lastly, this deep penetrating thought from someone called the bumperstickerist:
Slightly OT, but in Tom's wheelhouse.

The Left is making something/much of Biden being a regular guy based on his financial reportings that he has a net worth around $300K

My take is that the guy's been in the Senate for over 36 years with a salary that, for the sake of argument averages out to $125,000 - that's about $5,000,000 in earnings, with perks that most people don't enjoy.

I mean, jeesh, Joe ... if you'd put 3% of your take home in US Savings Bonds you'd've been better off.

Joe Biden: If He Can't Plan to Save for Himself, How Can He Save America?

I thought Obama didn't like lobbyists...if this is true, he has some 'splaining to do because Joe is lobbyists' best friend.

And, how about the pick giving some unity, baby! Yeah, totally awesome unity!

Makes Hillary meeting with McCain supporters more interesting, don't you think?

We talk McCain's upcoming decision and where we think he may go:
Romney? Go to Bizzy's place to see why Romney would be a BA-AD Idea.
Huckabee? Lunatic, food nazi, populist/facististi.
Palin? Good looking, fresh, good philosophy. Outstanding on energy. And she has her own draft movement.
Cantor? Darkhorse, but a tempting pick.
Kasich? Not likely, but better than Portman. Our loss for Governor 2010 would be McCain's gain.
Lieberman? Nope, you will lose the conservative vote outside of National Defense. Name him SecDef or SecState instead.
Clinton? Just kidding...
Someone else?

Ohio's 2nd District

Wulsin, the Unethical Doc, Protested....she's not pro abort, she's prochoice? Come on now, you arrogant, insipid, stupid twit....and someone should check her credentials, since she doesn't know when life begins and thinks babies are humans only when they are born? Come on now....Gosh, I guess eugenics is alive and well in the 2nd district. BREAKING: There may be video of the conference soon to be released...MORE AS IT DEVELOPS!!!!