Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Democrats Playing the Race Card Again

In what has to be a coordinated effort, we are starting to see that once again Democrats are doing the bidding of Team Obama by playing the race card. It is disgusting and pathetic, but examine the evidence for yourself.

Here we have a Philly columnist calling for a race war in America right now after having been called out by Drudge for inciting one after Obama loses. (NOTE: She quotes some really nasty hate mail to make it appear that she's in the right... The hate mail, if it is genuine, is disgusting; but in no way justifies calling for a race war.)

Right here in Ohio, we've got Democrats doubling down on the race card...

  • In this PolitickerOH piece, Sen. Charade Brown says:
    “The elephant in the room is race: we know that, " Brown said during a canvass rally for state House candidate Nancy Garland (D-New Albany). "Most Americans have never had the opportunity, never been able to cast a ballot for an African-American for high office. That’s why this race, more than any other in presidential history, is about personal validation.”
    Of course, in the very next paragraph, Brown is said to believe that racism isn't the obstacle; rather, people don't know Obama and haven't voted for someone like him before. Uhh, Charade, how's that working for Governor Ken Blackwell??? Did Charade stop to think that maybe the reason people don't know The One is that the 527 media hasn't vetted the candidate at all? They are too busy scouring Alaska for dirt on Sarah Palin to be bothered to look in to Barack Obama...

  • The Vindicator has a story about two state legislators who have a crackpot theory that McCain supporters are racists.
    “Race — that’s the only reason people in the Valley won’t vote for him,” said state Rep. Thomas Letson of Warren, D-64th, about Barack Obama, his party’s presidential nominee. “There are 1,000 reasons to vote for Obama and one reason why you won’t — race.”
    It is the independents, the “swing voters” and Democrats who are or will support Republican John McCain who are the “racists,” Letson and state Rep. Robert F. Hagan of Youngstown, D-60th, said.
    Did either of these clowns vote for Governor Ken Blackwell? They must be racists then.....