Thursday, October 09, 2008

RELEASE: "Zack Space & Barack Obama: Two Liberal Tax-and-Spenders Fighting to Save Wall Street"

Mt. Vernon, OH – Once again, Rep. Zack Space (D-Dover) decided that party affiliation was more important than the American taxpayer. Space voted a second time on Friday for a $700 billion bailout package that is geared more toward Wall Street than Main Street and increases the federal debt ceiling by $1.3 trillion.

The second bill Space voted on included some interesting provisions added by the U.S. Senate such as $192 million in rebates on excise taxes for the Puerto Rican and Virgin Islands rum industry and a $49 million tax benefit for fishermen and other plaintiffs who sued Exxon over the 1989 Valdez oil spill.

Of course, since Space has spent his time in Congress obeying his liberal leaders instead of listening to his constituents, it really should come as no surprise that he voted for a massive pork-filled bailout pushed by Barack Obama.

If Space was truly concerned about his constituents, he would have said "NO" to the bill filled with special-interest money. After all, he's spent over a year saying "NO" to drilling for American oil and natural gas; "NO" to increasing investment in clean-coal technology; "NO" to building nuclear plants to provide clean, safe American energy; and "NO" to much-needed jobs.

"It didn't take long at all for Zack Space to adopt the worst of Washington behavior: smile and nod at your constituents while you pretend to listen to their concerns and then turn around and vote against them in Washington, D.C.," said 18th Congressional District candidate Fred Dailey. "Unfortunately for Zack Space, people have caught onto his liberal game. The bailout bill he supported at the behest of his liberal leadership is a slap in the face to working families and small businesses in Southeastern Ohio who work hard, pay their bills on time and try to set aside for their families."

"Zack Space has blocked every effort to stop sending $700 billion every year overseas to hostile governments to buy foreign oil and now he's voted to send $700 billion to Wall Street executives. If I am elected to serve the 18th Congressional District, you can bet that I will represent the people of Southeast Ohio, and not liberal special-interest groups and Barack Obama's agenda of higher taxes and no energy independence."
ZACK SPACE: "I make no bones about it: I support Obama. I am fully supportive of him."