Thursday, October 09, 2008

RELEASE: "Potter Calls Sutton's Vote on Bailout Irresponsible"

Congress took a bad Wall Street bailout and made it an even more unimaginably expensive, pork-slathered Christmas tree of a bill, says David Potter (R-Strongsville), the Republican candidate for Congress from Ohio's 13th District.

Rep. Betty Sutton (D-Copley Township), pushed into lock-step by her Democratic leadership bosses, came up with a couple of fig-leaf reasons to change her originally correct "no" vote and support this monstrosity, Potter added.
"And newspaper editorial writers see this disgraceful capitulation as a profile in courage?" Potter asked. "It was more a profile in panic on the part of both the congresswoman and the editorial pages."

"From its $700 billion price tag, plucked out of thin air because, according to a Treasury Department spokeswoman, the administration "wanted to choose a really large number," to its multi-million-dollar subsidies for Puerto Rican rum and toy arrows, to its pass-it-now, write-details-later approach, the result was a grotesque mockery of responsible governance," Potter said.

And Sutton, in her seat on the Rules Committee, helped ensure that no attempt to save half its cost, slice pork or clean up the murky language would have so much as a vote in the House. She voted with all the other seven Democrats who control the House Rules Committee to block any attempts to let the house contemplate alternatives.

"No, I and thousands of her financially responsible constituents find nothing courageous in Sutton's abrogation of responsibility," Potter said. "What they did was, rather, fall back to the old, failed Congressional answer - throw money, and hope the crisis goes away. It won't."