Sunday, November 02, 2008

Dan Haughey Deserves Your Vote!

In case you missed it, I am running a copy of the letter sent to the Journal-News last week in regards to a mailer sent by J. Gregory Howard, president of the Butler County Bar Association. As my daddy used to say, "they are the ones who know them the best."

A recent mailing by Glenda Smith, Democratic candidate for judge in the Butler County Area III Court, criticizes her opponent, Republican Dan Haughey, for his representation of individuals charged with criminal offenses, going so far as to excerpt a portion of an advertisement Mr. Haughey has where he states that he is "protecting the rights of citizens and students" charged with various criminal offenses.
As president of the Butler County Bar Association, this attack is inappropriate and irresponsible and disparages those attorneys, like Mr. Haughey, who are simply fulfilling their constitutional mandate that a criminal defendant be afforded counsel.
As Ms. Smith well knows, an individual charged with a criminal offense has a constitutional right to be represented by counsel. A criminal defense attorney has an ethical obligation to fight for the rights of his or her client in the same fashion that a prosecuting attorney has a duty to properly present evidence for the government.
Ms. Smith is aware of the role of a defense attorney, as prior to accepting Gov. (Ted) Strickland's appointment ... she was making a living as a criminal defense attorney ...
Ms. Smith's comments and innuendos represent a complete mischaracterization of the role of attorneys in our system of justice. She should know better. The public seeks fairness and a focus upon the real issues in any campaign. Her attack on Mr. Haughey for simply fulfilling his constitutional obligation is wrong.

J. Gregory Howard
Butler County Bar Association

WOW! In many years of campaigning, I have never seen a response like that sent and I am stunned that Glenda Smith would stoop to such desperate tactics to hold on to her robe. I suppose that she knows the demographics out there and her days could very well be numbered. Justice and the citizens can only hope that common sense and judicial fairness will return to the Area Court system.

T-shirt Teddy did us no favors with his choice of this political hack and now he his trying jam Obama down our throats. Wonder how his popularity will hold up in 2010? Vote for a candidate who will serve us well, fairly and will see that justice is served, Dan Haughey (pronounced HOY).