Monday, November 03, 2008

RELEASE: Schuring Advocates Right Kind of Change With McCain-Palin

CANTON -- Kirk Schuring warmed up the crowd Sunday morning at McKinley High School auditorium.

"The political pundits and pollsters have said this presidential race is tightening. I'm going to predict victory for John McCain and Sarah Palin.

"They will be the comeback kids and win on Tuesday," Schuring told a packed fieldhouse before Palin addressed the rally.

"The other side is advocating more government. We must unleash the America spirit."

"The work is not over," Schuring cautioned. "We won't stop working until the last poll closes on Tuesday."

Schuring, seeking to represent the 16th district in Congress, said the McCain-Palin ticket also will "advocate the right kind of change in Washington."

"They understand that Washington is broken and has lost its ability to plan and use common sense. That common sense is rooted right here in the 16th Congressional District and in Stark County."

He added that the American spirit remains alive and well and will be rejuvenated with a Republican victory.

Retiring Congressman Ralph Regula reminded the crowd to "put country first," a McCain-Palin theme before introducing Schuring.

Gretchen Wilson, country music recording star, sang several hit songs before Palin told the crowd of her plans.

"John McCain and I want to lower your taxes and return government to of the people, by the people and for the people," Palin said.

She promised their team would not cut military spending and would help foster job growth for America.