Saturday, January 10, 2009

Blast Follow-Up: Veterans Bill That Strickland "Whacked"

In Wednesday's Blast, there was an item about a Republican-sponsored bill that would have given veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan some cashola.

T-Shirt Ted whacked it because he didn't like the source of the funding. He'd rather see the moola come from the bond that Husted and Harris went along with for some reason (best theory: pre-session nachos had bad jalapenos, but don't quote me on that).

Well, guess what the Republican-led Ohio Senate is planning on doing? If you guessed, "Giving T-Shirt Ted everything he has ever asked for on a silver platter!" you would be right again. WMD's readers are super smart!

Sen. Tim Grendell is going to re-introduce the T-Shirt Ted Way to Give Cash to Veterans Bill...or something like that.

In the comments of Wednesday's Blast, reader Walter asked what the money was for...and I have to admit, I still don't know. The Dayton Business Journal piece (linked above) has this bit (which sorta comes close to explaining it, I guess):
[A] one-time bonus to Ohioans who served in the military during recent combat engagements[.]
Here is Gov. T-Shirt doing his best to explain it:
Strickland this week said “the people of Ohio have a long history of providing bonuses to Ohio veterans through bonding and this symbol of support, and the more responsible method of financing it, should be continued today.”
Don't get me wrong, I love veterans. God bless ' is because of veterans that I am able to enjoy freedom.

But I thought we were in the Darkest Days of Depression...or something.