Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cincinnati Events This Week

There are two events going on this week that I want to make sure that all of WMD's readers know about...

The first is this mystery event being sponsored by Glenn Beck... The event is being called "We Surround Them" and it has been the running shtick on the Glenn Beck Program for awhile as he built up buzz and momentum for...something. Find out what it is all about on Friday at 4PM in Blue Ash. Go here for more information and to RSVP for the event.

The second event that I need to highlight is the Cincinnati Tea Party going on this Sunday at 3PM. Learn more at Cincinnati Tea Party's website, but the point is that this is the local version of the protest against the bailouts, sellouts, handouts, and "stimulus" packages that fired up Rick Santelli on CNBC awhile back.