Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Triumph of Hype Over Science

Mike Gonidakis, President of Ohio Right to Life, issued the following statement in response to President Obama's Executive Order authorizing taxpayer funding of embryonic stem cell research:

"President Obama tried to portray his executive order on embryonic stem cell research as picking 'science' over 'ideology', but, in fact, it was the triumph of hype over both science and ethics. This order was not the result of the science of stem cells, but the art of PR.

When faced with the fact that private investment was going to adult stem cell research, which has produced all of the successful stem cell treatments in humans, embryonic stem cell firms launched a media campaign for public funding. Their message was to promise potential. Embryonic stem cell research was portrayed as all things to all men - a literal 21st Century 'cure-all'.

However, the first rule of PR is 'never let the facts get in the way of the message - or the money'. The story was that the battle over embryonic stem cell research was one of science versus narrow-minded ideology. Never mind that it was rapidly becoming yesterday's science - it was a story that sold.

Although some press accounts referred to the desirability of pursuing all avenues of stem cell research, they failed to note a relevant point about Obama's order. It not only revoked Bush's 2001 order that limited the embryonic stem cell lines available for funding, it also revoked Bush's 2007 order that directed that funding be made available for 'Research on Alternative Sources of Pluripotent Stem Cells'. That is 'alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells' like iPS cells (which does not require the destruction of a human embryo or the use of women's eggs).

Oh well, 'science' has prevailed - that's the story and they're sticking with it."
I couldn't agree more...if embryonic stem cells were the answer, then private funding would have been secured for that research.