Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Husted Talks the Talk; Will He Walk the Walk?

As I have been expecting, Jon Husted is running around the state pretending to be a conservative and forgetting that he was Speaker of the Ohio House while Ohio took a crash dive in to the abyss.

Here is Husted in Lima (
"We didn't focus on core values: fiscal discipline, lower taxes, more individual freedom," Husted, a state senator from Kettering and former House speaker, said before speaking to Allen County Republicans. "Republicans spent too much in years past and started to act like Democrats."

Democrats are spending too much now, in Ohio and in the federal government, Husted said.
Who is this "we" you speak of Jon? Will you admit your role in fiscal irresponsibility, raising taxes, and expanding the scope and reach of government?

What penence are you prepared to perform for these sins, Jon? You weren't part of the solution, so I'm guessing that you are part of the problem.

Now, this post is not going to win me any friends in the Ohio GOP establishment, and I understand that, but let me explain the purpose of this post. It is past time that we hold ourselves accountable for our rhetoric and uphold our principles. Ohioans ought to laugh at Jon Husted when he says these things and it is only because the 527 media in this state fails to cover the hysterics in Columbus that he can get away with this at all.

If Jon Husted is sincere in expressing these principles, he needs to apologize for his role in having ignored these values when he was Speaker of the House. He needs to explain just what exactly he did wrong and what he plans to do to fix it. The usual election-time platitudes are not going to satisfy this time as the damage to the Ohio Republican brand is extensive and mostly at the hands of guys like Jon Husted. If the party is to support him, we need to admit that Republicans were responsible for putting Ohio on the road that lead us to where we are today. Blaming Strickland and the Democrats for having not fixed it in the amount of time they have had to do so is a cute bit of political theatre, but we have to admit responsibility, devise a real plan to get out of this mess, and then actually do something about it.

Bottom line: Talk is cheap. Actions speak louder than words.