Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Idiot Move of the Day: Sheriff Pulls Petition to Run for Congress

Seriously? Sheriff Jones is crazy. Certifiable.

Look, I think the Sheriff is right on illegal immigration. And I am a law and order kind of guy.

But this is NUTS! Stop the insanity. Is this what happens when you drop a few pounds?

For the record, I stand with Republican Leader, my Congressman and a Great American -- John Boehner -- in this contest...if it can be called that.

UPDATE: From Team Boehner:
“Congressman Boehner continues to proudly serve Ohio’s 8th Congressional District, working hard to develop better solutions for his constituents that will create jobs, lower taxes and put our state and nation on the path to prosperity.”

Oh, by the way, I happen to know for a fact that Boehner is also a law and order type when it comes to illegal immigration. I only mention the issue in regards to Sheriff Jones because that seems to be the only issue that he gets traction on...