Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Wenstrup on Cincinnati Crime

(CINCINNATI, OH) Cincinnati Mayoral candidate, Brad Wenstrup, addressed Cincinnati's crime problem as he responded to reports of a shooting aboard a Metro bus Friday morning and numerous attacks throughout the weekend.

On Friday morning, a gunman opened fire on a man dating his ex-girlfriend as well as a bystander injuring them both. On Saturday, a 17-year-old female and 16-year-old male were both shot in West Price Hill. On Sunday, a 16-year-old was beaten and robbed in Madisonville.

"The city of Cincinnati is facing a budget deficit of millions of dollars because people are afraid to come into the city," Wenstrup said. "One of the major issues from the 2005 campaign for mayor was addressing the crime problem, and violent crimes including robberies are getting worse."

Violent crime statistics in the city, including robberies, have risen dramatically in the past year. In Westwood, robberies went up 36% according to Cincinnati Police Department statistics. In District 1, aggravated assault is up 46%.

"Have we as a city, and our leadership, really addressed the crime issue? When some won't go outside without a bodyguard, how can we expect others to visit our city, spend money in our city, or establish a new business in our city?" Wenstrup added.