Friday, July 17, 2009

Boehner on Ohio's 11.1% Unemployment Rate for June

“In the four months since the so-called ‘stimulus’ was signed, Ohio has lost about 113,000 jobs and our unemployment rate now stands at 11.1 percent – nearly 2 percentage points higher than when the so-called ‘stimulus’ was made law. How many more jobs do we have to lose before Washington gets serious about helping middle class families and small businesses weather this economic storm? The White House, with the support of Governor Strickland, said the ‘stimulus’ would create jobs ‘immediately’ and promised it would keep the national unemployment rate from going above 8 percent. Those promises haven’t become a reality, and the American people are wondering what they got in return for the trillion dollars that were borrowed from our children and grandchildren to pay for the bloated ‘stimulus’ spending bill.

“Soaring unemployment, rising deficits and spending like there’s no tomorrow has done nothing to help put families back to work; in fact, our economy keeps getting worse. Again I ask – as Ohio families and small business owners have been asking for months – where are the jobs?”

NOTE: The Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services (ODJFS) announced this morning that, for the first time in a quarter century, the state’s unemployment has gone above 11 percent with the number of unemployed persons up to 383,000 over the course of one year. In June 2008, Ohio’s unemployment rate was 6.4 percent.