Friday, June 04, 2010

Ohio House Update: About Last Night Edition

It was a late night for members of the Ohio House of Representatives yesterday as they democrats worked feverishly to push through all sorts of legislation in the 11th hour...literally.  The session ran until at least 3:30 AM according to some members.  

State Rep. Peggy Lehner had this to say about the session on Facebook:
Long long night last night...adjourned sometime after 4:00AM. While we probably quadrupled our legislative output for the past 18 months I [dread] finding out what was in the fine print(and perhaps not so fine print) of much of what we passed. From Casino regulations to naming the state frog rest assured your representatives were hard at [work].
When I asked if that meant our elected officials were voting on bills they hadn't even read, she replied:
On several occasions the speaker called for votes before copies of the bills were in our hands! On a number of other bills there was no way in ____ that even the most talented speed reader could read and absorb the entire bill in the allotted time. WE MUST pass legislation that requires a bill "sits on the table' for 24 hours before a vote.
No kidding...

I honestly believe that we ought to start sending people who aren't afraid to vote "NO" or at least abstain on bills they haven't read.  And shame on Ohio House Democrats in the majority for playing this game.  Sure, they will say, "But, Matt, Republicans did this under Speaker Husted too..." to which i have already said, "Shame on Speaker Husted so many times I can't believe you are asking me to say it again...but I will."

It is time that the Ohio House Republican conference got together and started promoting a series of reforms that will actually change the culture in Columbus.  We need greater transparency and tighter control on the expansion of government.  More freedom and less nonsense from our centers of government.

Let's actually do something about this stuff rather than just whine about per usual.