Sunday, November 07, 2010

Butler County Democrats STILL Don't Get It

I've been saying all along that the Butler County Democrats don't understand why they have been failing in a climate that otherwise should have been beneficial for them.  This bit from loser Butch Hubble is a perfect example of why Butler County Democrats continue to be losers: (Source)

Hubble could not be reached immediately after Tuesday’s election, but said the next day as he was collecting campaign signs that he was “devastated.”

“I thought my chances were really good to win this thing,” Hubble said. “It doesn’t make sense to me.”
Hubble said he respects Carpenter and said it was a pleasure to get to know her during the campaign, but said the county needs to conduct business differently in order to get back on track.

“I thought this county had enough, but apparently it hasn’t,” Hubble said. “I want to stay positive .”

Hubble wouldn’t comment on his political future, saying, “I’m leaving all the options open.” However, he doesn’t know if he can take another defeat. He lost to Commissioner Chuck Furmon in 2008.

“With all the positive feedback I’ve received — and I beat her everywhere but at the polls,” he said.
Emphasis added.

Basically what Butch is saying here is: "The Butler County electorate are a bunch of idiots, but I want to stay positive."  The level of arrogance usually is seen in Washington DC elite, but here in Butler County we can see it in the Democratic party!  It isn't the electorate's fault that you lost.  How do I know?  That last sentence...  Butch, apparently you didn't talk to enough people.  You got beat like a bongo drum and you act like you didn't see it coming?  That is a failure on your part to get the job done. 

Why do I go to all this trouble to "help" our political rivals?  Because it is imperative that we have a loyal opposition in this county to keep us all honest.  Crappy candidates who talk to their closest 500 friends ain't gonna get it done.

Yes, Butler County IS fed up with the corruption from days gone by...that is why we voted those folks out.  And I'll give a friendly warning to my fellow Republicans: stay on the righteous path lest ye be next.