Friday, October 17, 2003

Democrats on Davis

What’s the most common knock against Democrats? It’s that they lock a coherent, unified message. That was true yet again by the reactions of the Democratic presidential candidates to their fellow Democrat, Gray Davis, getting kicked out of the California governor’s mansion.

Get the rest of this commentary from MSNBC.

Matt's Chat

Very interesting analysis. The Democrats are going to have to learn the lesson soon if they want to return to the White House. But in the end, I don't think any of these guys has the wisdom...

Mark's Remarks

Well, you see, Matt, each one polled a different focus group, and therefore had different opinions. Of course, ask them tomorrow, when they are speaking in front of a different group, and they will have a different answer. They are the same slime as Davis, panderers to special interests, who choose to buy political power, not through raising campaign funds, but rather through those great campaign spending promises.....and of course, the elected get nice dinners and honorariums....Of course, what should it matter? We are just the vast unwashed, who cares if they lack a coherent message? After all, they were Rhodes scholars...Give me a break. These 9 are nothing more than panderers, and hate mongers, who choose to say what they think their audience wants to hear. It is a shame that the media reports so much of their spew, because it pollutes the ears.