Friday, October 10, 2003

International Red Cross Criticizes Gitmo

A senior official of the International Committee of the Red Cross said on Thursday that the holding of more than 600 detainees here was unacceptable because they were being held for open-ended terms without proper legal process.

Read the full story here.

Mark's Remarks

So, the Red Cross thinks holding terror suspects in conditions that are perfectly acceptable to to their standards is a crime? Wasn't 9/11 a crime? These detainees are enemy combatants, in a war on terrorism, and that war has not ended yet. These detainees may have vital information on terror camps, intelligence, etc. The International Red Cross does not have anything to say about the conditions, finding them acceptable, they just want the people returned to their home coutnries real soon, so they can make car bombs and kill innocents, and then the Red Cross will have more to do than just look like the UN with its passive and illogical behavior. Some of these detainees are committing suicide? Well, I hate to sound callous, but quite frankly, that is less of my tax dollars to feed them. What happened to victims' rights in this world? Today, criminals like those at Gitmo are given more than the victims? Who comforts 9/11 survivors and ask that an end be brought to the confinement of their depression? Who says retribution needs to be made for the suicides and deaths after 9/11 by some of the survivors? This is ridiculous. The Red Cross is merely acting as a toady for the UN. I say we keep them until we figure out all we need from them, then we ship them back bulk rate to their home countries. Give them a few weeks, and they will be begging to be back at Gitmo. For many, these conditions are better than what they lived under with Osama and Omar as their leaders. Sorry, folks, but this really frosts me.

Matt's Chat

If there are problems with the "human rights" angle of the detainment, I can understand the Red Cross getting involved. The reality is that these "people" are being treated far better than they deserve and certainly better than if they were holding Americans hostage. These "people's" comrades in arms changed the world on 9/11. They don't get to cry "foul" now.