Rev. Pat Sticks Both Feet in Mouth
Christian televangelist Pat Robertson bluntly suggested on the air in an interview last week with the author of a book critical of the State Department that the Cabinet department should be destroyed by a nuclear weapon.
In the interview on his television program called The 700 Club on Friday, Robertson discussed a book written by Joel Mowbray called "Dangerous Diplomacy: How the State Department Endangers America's Security," which openly criticizes the State Department for a myriad of mistakes he says it has made in regards to national security and the war on terrorism.
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Matt's Chat
If this was supposed to be some sort of joke, it isn't funny. While the State Department DOES have issues, suggesting that the solution is to let loose a nuclear weapon in our own country is asinine. Pat, my suggestion is for you to shut up and go away.Mark's Remarks
I could not agree more. While I have issues with the State Department and its attitude, I would never wish for a nuke to be detonated and kill thousands upon thousands of people for a political or some such gain. Mr. Robertson, I WILL NOT CALL HIM REV., needs to go back to TV and sing Kum Bay Yah. While the 700 club and such organizations have done some great work, the leadership of Pat Robertson only causes them to continue to be referred to as fringe/extreme organizations. These type of comments without movements by membership to censure or depose Mr. Robertson will only cause them to continue to be viewed in such ways.There is just one caveat: why is it this man, who for all intents and purposes, is a fringe person, is receiving such coverage for stupid comments, but a member of Congress and Presidential Candidates are not getting near the negative vibes for making such outlandish and offensive statements that our President: "is a miserable failure" (R.I.P., er...I mean Rep Dick Gephardt) or that Mr. Bush is "a gang leader." (Al Sharpton). Also, why isn't Ted Kennedy more villified for his conspiracy theory? Really, what can Pat Robertson do with his club? Nada. What can these others do? They are making and influencing you really want such crackpots and hatemongers doing that?????