Thursday, January 15, 2004

Braun Bows Out

Former Illinois Sen. Carol Moseley Braun is ending her bid for the Democratic presidential nomination, Fox News has confirmed. Campaign officials for Howard Dean told Fox News she intends to endorse the former Vermont governor. Read the story from Fox News here.

Mark's Remarks

OK, Carol, what was the whole point of you running again? You and your campaigners acknowledged you didn't stand a chance, yet you wasted many people's money travelling around the country to campaign, and now you simply bow out, and you are going to support Dean? What is up with that?

And Carol, weren't you just on a national show, I don't know, two days ago saying you were in this to the finish? And, how you had a strategy to win? Wow, guess that strategy played out in a couple of days, huh? Good, one less lib to report on...enjoy obscurity....though I am sure you will weasel your way onto shows to offer analysis..aka Bash the President some more....

This was Mark...thanks for reading.

Matt's Chat

Mark, Braun was in it to make sure that Al Sharpton didn't get to nuts. A "keep him honest" sort of thing. I am not surprised she is the first to go. Now the question is whether it will be Kucinich or Sharpton that goes next. My money is on Kucinich because Shartpon won't surrender the stage until he HAS to. Edwards might be the next to go if he works out a VP deal with somebody higher in the polls...