Thursday, January 15, 2004

Zell as Moses?

It appears that Zell Miller bolting to support Bush was just the beginning. It appears that even as Dean comes to Georgia to meet with failed President Jimmy Carter, a lot of Georgia Dems are engaging in a mass exodus, backing Bush. Read the story here.

Matt's Chat

Zell's efforts will bear great fruit. Democrats can't win without the South and Zell is working hard on behalf of the President. I think Zell is right, the Democrats are a national party no more...

Mark's Remarks

Wow, Jimmy, even your own attorney general Griffin Bell supports the President. You going to throw away his friendship as well, as you callously did to Zell Miller by recording provided by that spineless lib Allan Colmes?

This shows what Zell has been saying all along. The Dems do not care about the South. They, like many liberal hamsters, think they are knowitalls and always right and do not care about the backbone of this country, the hard working folks of the South and southern Midwest.

This is a boon to the Bush camp. Especially since long serving Dems as Zell and Bell, in additon to others. It shows that the Dims in charge now (read Clintons, McAuliffe, Dean camp) are severely out of touch and do not care about 1/4 of a nation. Well, that 1/4 has a lot of electoral votes, including Florida.

But, as the dems say, don't let the door hit them...we will welcome their support for President Bush.