Monday, January 19, 2004

Who invited who?

Howard Dean seemed on top of the world. The frontrunner in Iowa, and then about five days ago, he got a call to go to church with Jimmy Carter, or so Dean said. Carter today said he didn't call Dean, but that Dean called him. Read the story of Peanut said, Howeird said, here.

Mark's Remarks

I can't figure this one out. Who is lying? Did Jimmy actually invite Dean to church, but after seeing the poll number from Iowa, decide he did not want to be associated with another LOSER? Of course, Jimmy boy is the LOSER PRESIDENT and supported LOSER Walter Mondale and was A MISERABLE FAILURE as President. He wouldn't want to hurt his continuing attempts to rehabilitate his image into something respectful by being associated with a losing candidate, now would he?

Or, is Dean being caught in another lie? Did he invite himself to Georgia to pimp out a church and a former President? It would fit with Dean's M.O.

It is sad that libs are just so untrustworthy, but my own personal experience verifies this. Someone is lying, and when things go rough, the lies and smears come out.

This was Mark, thanks for reading.