Thursday, January 08, 2004

Hillary Revisited

Perhaps people have misunderstood what the issue is, let's clarify shall we...

Matt's Chat

For me, the issue isn't Hillary (she, like most hamsters THINK they are the center of the universe, but in fact are not) or the "joke" itself. The issue is the double standard that gets applied to conservatives when they don't conform to the liberal politcal correctness. That is what I am after. And everytime a liberal gets away with it, I will rail against it (if I hear about it).

Hillary apologized, and this time (on this issue at least) I believe her sincerity. She is sorry.

Now, who has a problem with that?

Mark's Remarks

While I agree with Matt above and with Sean Hannity that political correctness has to stop, I disagree with what Matt is saying above. Hillary is no more sorry for her comments than Bill is for boinking Monica. And Bill even shed some public tears in his confessions. I am not buying it. I have heard this whole song and dance from the Clintons before: we love this person, we have talked about their philosophies at length in the past...we were just kidding or it was taken out of context. Bullgarbage! They are just covering their political arses, and I am not going to fall for the false contriteness from Shrill Hill. Yes, it was a joke, and yes there is a double standard and that is the main issue. But believing Hillary was sincere in her apology? Give me a break.

As for the whole get over it thing, fine. Get over when Jesse Jackson calls New York Hymie town. Get over it when GW Bush calls a reporter an Arsehole. Get over it when Trent Lott talks about what would have happened if Strom Thurmond was president. If that would have happened fine. What continues to irriate me is that liberals and dims get away with these insulting generalizations, but yet castigate the right when they make them, or even when they defend themselves. That is the irritating issue.