Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Hillary's Gaffe

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton apologized for joking that Mahatma Gandhi used to run a gas station in St. Louis, saying it was "a lame attempt at humor."

The New York Democrat made the remark at a fund-raiser Saturday. During an event here for Senate candidate Nancy Farmer, Clinton introduced a quote from Gandhi by saying, "He ran a gas station down in St. Louis."

After laughter from many in the crowd of at least 200 subsided, the former first lady continued, "No, Mahatma Gandhi was a great leader of the 20th century." In a nod to Farmer's underdog status against Republican Sen. Kit Bond, Clinton quoted the Indian independence leader as saying: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."

The director of a U.S. center devoted to Gandhi's teachings said the remarks amounted to stereotyping and were insensitive.

After being approached by The Associated Press to clarify the remarks, Clinton suggested in a statement late Monday that she never meant to fuel the stereotype often used as a comedic punch line that certain ethnic groups run America's gas stations.

"I have admired the work and life of Mahatma Gandhi and have spoken publicly about that many times," Clinton said. "I truly regret if a lame attempt at humor suggested otherwise."

Get the rest of the story from ABC News.

Matt's Chat

Someone I once knew said, "Why can't Republicans get a sense of humor." I imagine that stories like this perfectly illustrates why Republicans tend to guard their speech and are very careful with what they say in public. This is like Ed Kennedy's neanderthal comment or Jesse Jackson's Hymie Town gaffe. Had it been a conservative, all hell would break loose. When a liberal does it, it was just a joke, get over it.

It is a double standard. It sucks. And it is a result of liberal oriented political correctness. And that is why it sucks. I think Hillary should attend a cultural sensitivity seminar and think about what she's done. That's what liberals usually think will cure a Republican when they make a dumb ethnic joke. Why isn't the same crap applied to Democrats?

Besides, how would Hillary know who runs a gas station in St. Louis. Isn't Missouri part of "flyover country" and doesn't matter to her?

Mark's Remarks

Hillary talks about Mahatma Gandhi running a gas station. It is a joke and receives just an afterthought of coverage. Candidate Bush in 2000 in a guarded moment is caught calling a REPORTER, not a key figure of the 20th century, but A REPORTER, an impolite name and it makes the rounds for at least 2 weeks. Double standard? You betcha.

I want more outrage over this. For a woman who claims to be so concerned about equality and rights, much the same way Jesse Jackson makes the claim, they seem rather heartless when it comes to racially insenstive and stereotyping remarks. And there is a difference between a joke from a comedian and Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. Clinton is an elected official, and she needs to be sensitive to the needs of all her constituents. If this would have been a Republican, they would right now be forced to resign from the Senate, or be permanently censured. If only we were so lucky in this situation, but, there is a double standard, especially if you are a Clinton, for gaffes. The standard media may backlog it and throw it away, but those of us who know the real Hill are going to hold on to it and bring it up again, along with your association with folks who strangely died when they turned on you, or who were placed under house arrest, or who were paid hush money. Wow, Hillary, maybe you should have joined another body, the seem to be real proficient in some of their methods, including disinformation. Remember, alot of folks thought Al Capone was a philantropist, and he murdered 100s. Just a thought.....