Monday, January 19, 2004

Iowa Wrap Up


Matt's Chat

Here are my notes from the night:

+ Kucinich: Edwards is best "second choice" guy - Helped a little I'm sure...
+ Organization doesn't matter if the voters don't care for the message and/or the candidate (Dean/Gephardt)
+ Unions take a beating in Iowa (Gephardt/Dean)
+ Appeared that a lot of Gephardt supports wound up with Edwards
+ Lack of participation of Gov. Dean's wife and family may have hurt him
+ People are tired of negative campaigning (Edwards)
+ War issue not near as important as it would have been because of Saddam capture (Dean)
+ Dean people: "Kerry and Edwards 'stole' Dean's message" - WHAT! That is spin if I ever heard it...
+ Youth abandoned Dean in Iowa...will they in New Hamphire? America?
+ Endorsements are overrated (Gore, et al. didn't help Dean)
+ Was Howard Dean a WWE pro wrestling castmember? That after Caucus speech sure made him sound like one...
+ Edwards will ramp up class warfare message as he moves forward

Mark's Remarks

Ok, so I was wrong...I admit it....Dean blew it. I thought he might be able to pull it out, but as Matt, said, when you see what a nut he is, you tend to shy away. In terms of Edwards, he talked about these two Americas. Tell me, Mr. Trial Lawyer Edwards, when have you seen the poor America you talked about? What would you know about poverty or being destitute? You live in a million dollar mansion in Georgetown. You are a trial lawyer ambulance chaser who has made millions from frivolous lawsuits. You are shallow and all you have is that accent.

In terms of Kerry, he is what I thought was interesting. He was heartily introduced by the Senate Macy's Float, Ted Kennedy. Once he was announced, he trashed the No Child Left Behind Act. Who helped that Act pass and was involved in writing it? Ted Kennedy!!!! Kennedy laughed and cheered as the Act was dissed. Is he that incoherent? Did he pass a "bad" bill just to look good with educators, only to see the lib educators who are more about feewings (feelings) than excellence turn on him? Was he drunk the whole time? Are there more bodies in Chappaquitick? I mean, he is applauding a guy dissing what he worked to pass....if this does not show that libs and Dims are all about power over substance, I don't know what will.