Tuesday, January 20, 2004

State of the Union Preview

White House photo by Eric Draper from the White House website.

Overview from Reuters...
Medicare coverage from New York Times.
Domestic agenda focus from Washington Post

Matt's Chat

I think this speech is critical. The President needs to nail this one. And I believe that he will. When the issue is terrorism, Bush has a commanding presence; but the domestic agenda has always been his vulnerability. The administration needs to hit a home run on the homefront tonight.

Mark's Remarks

Since I am writing this post-speech, I will do a preview of my thoughts on the address, saving the deep commentary for tomorrow.

I thought this was not the greatest speech the President has given. I applauded his defense of his administration. He did so aggressively, and not in a defensive posture. He presented a positive view.

On terrorism, the President as usual put things into the proper prospective. In discussing the difference between viewing terrorists as enemy combatants or criminals, he was clear, and I loved the jab at Clinton's handling of the first WTC bombing (Way to Go George!!!!). Also, I loved his jab at Hillary with the idea that government interference in health care is a no-no! Socialized medicine does not work. That is why we have the best doctors, because they are getting paid competitively. Also, he defended our action in Iraq quite well.

I have some issues with his domestic agenda, which I am sure Matt will line up tomorrow, so I will leave you with this.

America is not flaunting her strength, she is merely using it for the good of oppressed people. And America does not need a Permission Slip to protect her security. (I loved that line). We will help oppressed peoples, we will go to Mars, and we will continue to be the shining light. It was our peace through strength approach which turned Libya around, not endless handwringing and such.

God Bless America.

This was Mark, thanks for reading.