Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Jack Iraq Update

From NewsMax:
His popularity ratings have plunged, his party is in disarray, his attempts to dominate the European Union have fallen flat, a top aide and protege was convicted of corruption, and Jacques Chirac's future as France's president is at best cloudy.

Chirac has been France’s president for the last 10 years - he’s been in public service since Tony Blair was 13 - but his days of dominating European politics in tandem with Germany's Gerhard Schröder have come to an embarrassing end, according to Britain's Economist.

Matt's Chat

Hallelujah! Jack has been a pain in the @$$ for quite some time. Although, I wonder how much of that is France and not neccessarily their leader. It is good to see this schmuck's power fading, though. Real corruption and deceit eventually catchss up with you...

Mark's Remarks

I hope the French finally throw out this moron on his ear! This guy loved Saddam Hussein! He gave him nuke technology, for goodness sake! I hope the French people take back their government and restore sanity to old Europe.

John Kerry Delinda Est!