Monday, August 16, 2004

Diplomatic and Military Professionals for National Security

By Matt Hurley for the TIB Network:

We have an update on the Diplomatic and Military Professionals for National Security and the Diplomats for a Non-Partisan Foreign Service. These two groups will be holding a press conference tomorrow (8/17) at the National Press Club.

As previously reported, DMPNS will be represented by Amb. Dennis Hays. DNPFS will be respresented by Amb. Tom Boyatt (former ambassador to Upper Volta and Columbia; envoy in Cyprus in 1974).

Both groups believe that the Diplomats and Commanders for Change (DCC) position gives the false impression that it represents a consensus among experienced diplomats and military officers. DMPNS strongly supports President Bush's foreign policy and DNFS is calling for the restitution of the principle that professional diplomats and military officers as a group must always be nonpartisan and professional.

The groups are supported by former Secretaries of State Larry Eagleburger, Henry Kissinger and George Shultz; former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Under Secretaries of State Michael Armacost and Joe Sisco; and other former ambassadors, military officers and senior civilian and military officials.

Neither group appears to have a website or email contacts as of this time.


John Kerry Delenda Est!