Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Fake But Accurate

This is CNN:
Tom Goldstein, former dean of Columbia University's School of Journalism, dismissed the notion that CBS's dilemma was a sign that American journalism has become sloppier in recent years.

Goldstein said Rather's report was another example of bad things happening to good news organizations.

"They had the best in the business on it, and they got duped and there but for the grace of God go you and I," Goldstein said.

Independent network news analyst Andrew Tyndall, publisher of the daily Tyndall Report, said the apparent forgery of the memos alone does not necessarily discredit the substance of Rather's overall story on Bush's service record.

But Goldstein, Miller and Tyndall all questioned CBS News' judgment in going with Rather's report in the first place, even if the documents had turned out to be authentic.

"It's another WMD, another weapon of mass distraction. That's what this whole campaign has turned out to be," Miller said, adding that "somebody out there is trying to keep this running."

Matt's Chat

What you have above is the concluding paragraphs of a story on the recent triumph of the blogosphere over SeeBS and Dan Rather.

I take exception with all of these gentlemen.

Goldstein says they (SeeBS) had "the best in the business on it" and that is supposed to mean something. What it means is that the "best" in media is partisan hackery. The news is supposed to be objective. There was nothing objective about that piece. To top it off, these "best in the business" decided it would be in everybody's best interest to try to coordinate with the Democrats. What is fair and objective about that Mr. Goldstein?

Miller seems to think that just because the evidence is a forgery, the charge is still valid. How is that objectively possible? Now every prosevutor in the land could fake a signed confession from the defendant; go into court admit that it was a forgery but that the charge is still accurate. Evidence is important Mr. Miller; you have to be able to prove your allegations or else it is libel. Ever hear of it?

Tyndall seems to think that this is no big deal. The American people rely on their news sources to be credible, Mr. Tyndall. When they report falsehoods as facts, they have a responsiblity to correct their error in judgement and take corrective action so it doesn't happen again. Usually a firing or two is involved. This is an important issue, rather than a distraction because the trust in media, that journalists take for granted, has been violated. When enws organizations lose their objectivity and become partisan operatives for political purposes, that news organization is no longer wothy of journalism. While we're at it, Mr. Tyndall, SeeBS' case was built on the forgeries and the testimony of Ben Barnes (another partisan shill that has been discredited). You and your kind don't get to determine whether or not something has been settled; the American people do.

Mark's Remarks

It is a big deal, folks....The mass media patsies like Tyndall and Co. are trying to downplay this or even blame bloggers for this fiasco because they see the writing on the wall. Ordinary Americans, not liberal intelligentsia, have taken the initiative in checking the media and in reporting, all in the blogosphere, and all openly admitting their own biases or slants.

This episode highlights in broad detail what liberals and the networks have been poopooing all these years: there is an inherent left leaning bias in the media, and especially in this candidacy, the media have jumped on Kerry's bandwagon to bring down Bush. When you look at the immediacy of this story just jumping out vs. say, the Swift Boat guys, you scratch your head and say why? The reason is because the old media have thrown their hats in with Terry McAuliffe and Co at the DNC, and this story showed it in glaring detail. How else to explain how the Tiffany Network, the best in the biz, could be so easily hosed? It is simple. They are hellbent on getting George W. Bush, and they won't even let truth stand in their way. You know, I think people would come back to the networks if they just stood up and said, 'hey, we want John Kerry and this notion is going to color our news.' But they don't. No, instead they hide behind blatantly false notions of objectivity and straight shooting. Well, if this is straight shooting, we would have lost out to the Nazi Sharpshooters in WWII, because the sights lean too far to the left. If you know what I am saying.....

John Kerry Delenda Est!