Friday, April 08, 2005


No, PVP, I am not being bloodthirsty toward another country. No, it is high time that Bill "The Cowardly Doctor" Frist (TN), the Senate Majority Leader, live up to his promise to use the so-called nuclear option to stop the fillibustering of Presidential appointments. It is actually the constitutional option, as there are provisions in the Constitution, and since the fillibuster is meant to stop voting on legislation, not appointments, it should be sacked.

The obstructionist party of NO! Democrats cannot come to the American people with a vision, so they simply obstruct progress. They can only say no and disagree, disagree, disagree. They even disagree with their own statements on the nature of the Social Security problem, simply for politics. Today the Lefties fillibustered the nomination of the EPA director candidate (thanks HillRod, so much for that centrist streak), and Babs Boxer and others have been seeking to do the same for John Bolton as UN Ambassador.

The Republican leadership needs to follow through on their pre-election and post-election promises. Mr. Frist will lose ALOT of credibility if he does not follow through. Sadly, it looks more and more like he is listening to the Arlen "moley" Specter wing of the party and seeking to play nice.

Didn't he read the Hannity Memo, as it has been called? This "playing nice" plays right into the hands of the Left. It is time for a showdown, and Frist and company need to get to it. Call your senators and tell them it is high time to get on with the business of the nation.