Thursday, August 18, 2005

Criticizing Ohio 2nd

Why? Well, he apparently has nothing better to do than spend his time criticizing others work, so why not?

Here Ohio 2nd shows us how compassionate he is towards his fellow man... That's real mature, man... And I love the tags he has on it...Republican and Hackett...that's classic, dude...says a lot about your guy...

By the way, this is why you lose. Don't you realize that Rush Limbaugh has the largest audience in all of talk radio? These are people you should be trying to win over with reasonable dialogue not insults and gimmicks... Of course, I know you won't take my advice, so I really don't know why I bother...

3:20PM Update

Ohio 2nd responds in an update, which includes this bit:
Here’s a fun fact about the editor… I happen to have tremendous respect for Rush as a broadcaster and businessman. Listened to him for years. As a lover of radio I believe that Rush is a true master right up there with Howard Stern. The fact that he can afford a private plane and allegedly boat loads of illegal drugs is a testament to his skills in front of the microphone. BUT… he’s still a scumbag. Respect the craftsmanship… despise the craft. Hey… that’s my opinion. God Bless America.
Indeed. God Bless America. My opinion is worth just as much as yours, man...or Mark's...let's not drag the whole thing down when we could elevate the discourse... This is the lesson we should all take from this situation...

Mark's Remarks

Sad and disgusting. I am not allowed to critize someone who has thrust themselves into the public spotlight, but this clown thinks he can make a big joke out of a person's drug problem. Wow, and gee, I thought the Left was all about helping drug addicts, you know, like Hollywood Sean Penn, Charlie Sheen, Matthew Perry, et. al. Aren't we being a bit two-faced and intellectually dishonest when we critize Rush for having a supposed drug problem? But wait, I am sorry, I forgot. If you belong to the Lunatic Left, you cannot have anything you say examined or debated. My bad, I thought we were living in America. I thought it was about open dialogue. Silly me, I could have sworn freedom of expression and petition and debate was somewhere in that Constitution. Must have been removed by liberal judicial fiat.