Friday, August 19, 2005

Taft's Apology

The editorialists in the Cincinnati Enquirer are right on this point:
There's no evidence a connection exists between Taft's golf non-reporting and the "Coingate" investment scandal and accusations of a Republican "pay-to-play" culture in Columbus. But Taft was led to report his ethical lapses because at least one of the rounds of golf was with the central figure in "Coingate" - Tom Noe, a Republican fund-raiser who managed a $50 million rare-coin investment for the state Bureau of Workers' Compensation from which about $13 million is missing. What transactions may have taken place during golf with Noe and others may be another matter.
But I take exception to the next paragraph:
Taft has said he will not resign. If simple lapses in reporting prove to be the full extent of his transgressions, there's no reason why he should resign with 16 months left in his second and final term.
Taft claims to be a strong supporter of ethical behavior; yet when he had the opportunity to walk the walk, he chose to have his cake and eat it too.
If he is going to stay, the editorial board is absolutely right about this:
But he should use those 16 months to exercise the kind of forceful leadership that can correct abuses that exist and give Ohioans renewed confidence in their state government. Taft vowed to correct the problems that led to his ethics reporting snafu, but he has to look way beyond his own desk.

He should demand that:

All members of his administration and state departments make a full accounting of their roles and relationships in matters now under scrutiny.

Lawmakers adopt rules that require complete transparency in the state's business dealings and full, rapid public disclosure of all gifts and contributions.

State leaders re-evaluate the way the state does business with contractors.
Basically, he should have listened to Ken Blackwell a LONG time ago...

The governor's apology has been posted to State of the Union. Read it is a convincing piece of personal contrition. How much of it do I believe? Most of it, but I am still left with some concern about this administration.

While the Enquirer and the Dayton Daily News seems to think Taft should not resign over this, I still stand behind my call for the governor to step down. This is a governor with abyssmal approval ratings and more scandals on the dockets. This was the least of his problems and the quickest and easiest to sweep under the rug...

Mark's Remarks

Bob Taft is a self-serving, deluded egomaniac. He is living off his family's name. He is so deluded that instead of forming a committee to check on his honorable resignation, he actually has formed an exploratory committee to look into the Presidency and the Senate. HE-LLO! Earth to Bob, come in Bob! Your approval rating is close to single digits; I don't think that bodes well. it certainly does not seem to indicate anything to "explore."

Bob Taft is delusional. He is duplicit. He is a RINO. I find his words hollow and without meaning. If he believed in his principles, he would resign. If he wanted to save the GOP, he would step down. However, like John McCain, it is all about him. If he can't be da Man, then he is going to drag the party down in flames with him. Leave now, Mr. Taft. Give the GOP a fighting chance in 06.