Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Dump DeWine Update

VikingSpirit has more on the candidacy of former AK Steel president John Hritz. I don't know much about this guy, but I like what I'm hearing (from the press release linked at VS):
“I am going to do what I have done best throughout my career, and that means using common sense to identify problems, prioritize them and use the skills I have developed to fix them. And I will do that by sticking to the moral and conservative principles that have made Ohio great in the past,” Hritz said.
Hritz makes an interesting point when he says that Republicans like DeWine and Taft are career politicans who are out of touch with the voters they represent.

We are already seeing people try to tie DeWine to Taft...I'm not real sure what the impact of such statements is going to be, but it has a slightly negative air to it. But it is good strategery...I'll give Hritz that much...